Packaging: Schneider recognized by FANUC as certified servicing integrator

Supplier can now officially provide end-users with service consistent with the standards provided by FANUC.

Supplier can now officially provide end-users with service consistent with the standards provided by FANUC.

Schneider Packaging Equipment has been named a FANUC Certified Servicing Integrator in FANUC Robotics’ network of authorized integrators. Additionally, Schneider is FANUC’s largest integrator in the case packing and palletizing segment in North America, having shipped hundreds of robots over the last three years.

Certified Servicing Integrators (CSI) are FANUC Robotics’ most highly trained integrators, recognized as having elevated technical expertise in applying FANUC robots in various secondary packaging operations.

“Achieving the CSI designation reflects a significant commitment by Schneider to enroll several key personnel in a rigorous technical training curriculum,” says Dick Motley, account manager for National Distribution Sales at FANUC Robotics America. “At the completion of this demanding curriculum… each of the Schneider employees demonstrated mastery of a broad range of mechanical, controls, and software concepts, as well as proficiency at a variety of maintenance and service procedures.”
Schneider can now officially provide end-users with prompt, qualified service consistent with the standards and expectations of FANUC Robotics’ own service organization.

“Schneider consistently creates innovative robotic end-of-line solutions that deliver significant value to their customers in terms of performance, uptime, quality, energy efficiency, and quick-changeover flexibility,” says Terry Zarnowski, director of sales and marketing for Schneider Packaging. “The extensive packaging experience from traditional business, combined with superior knowledge of robotic system design and optimization, is reflected in the company’s 50% annual growth in robotic sales for the fourth consecutive year, firmly establishing Schneider as the premier supplier of palletizing and case packing systems using FANUC robots.”

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