Rizon 10 Robot from Flexiv Given ‘Best of the Best’ Award in Red Dot Design Award Competition

The robot arm was lauded for its "discreet design language" and "highly developed functionality."


The Rizon 10 has seven degrees of freedom.
Rizon 10's lead designer said winning the award was a dream come true for him and his team, noting they went through countless design iterations to get to the final product.

Flexiv Ltd. today announced that it has been given the “Red Dot: Best of the Best” award for its Rizon 10 adaptive robot.

Flexiv described itself as a “general-purpose” robotics company focused on developing and manufacturing adaptive robots. The Santa Clara, Calif-based company claimed that its innovative turnkey systems and services serve customers in various industries.

The Rizon 10 is one of Flexiv’s latest products, featuring industrial-grade force control, computer vision, and artificial intelligence technology. Capable of lifting a 10 kg (22 lb.) payload and extending 1,015 mm (39 in.), the Rizon 10 is adaptable and safe thanks to precise feedback sensors, the company said.

Flexiv among competitors from about 60 countries

The Red Dot Design Award is an international German design competition for “product designs, communication designs, and design concepts,” according to Red Dot GmbH's website. In 2022, designers, design offices, and manufacturers from around 60 countries entered products in the Red Dot Award in the Product Design discipline, following the motto “In search of good design and innovation.”

Competing against roughly 20,000 other submissions, the Rizon 10 won the honor, Flexiv said. During an evaluation period lasting several days, the Red Dot Jury assessed the Rizon 10 on its level of innovation, functionality, and longevity.

“The Rizon 10 impresses with a discreet design language and almost seems to offer its services in a friendly and approachable manner,” stated the jury. “With the perfectly finished aluminum-alloy surface, it breaks with the often predominantly industrial look of other robots.”

“Based on the physiognomy of the human arm, the organic design of this robot is in harmony with its highly developed functionality and the far-reaching capabilities achieved thanks to artificial intelligence,” the jury noted.

Rizon 10 on display at Red Dot Design Museum

The Rizon 10 will be displayed at the Red Dot Design Museum in Essen, Germany, from June 2022 to May 2023.

“Every designer dreams of being recognized with a Red Dot award, and my team and I are immensely proud to be on the list of Best of the Best this year,” said Xuesen Li, Flexiv’s director of product and the lead designer of the Rizon 10. “We spent considerable amount of time developing the product and have gone through countless design iterations to achieve a balance between functionality and aesthetics. With a pleasant appearance, Rizon blends well into people's everyday living environment.”

Earlier this month, Flexiv showcased at the Automate 2022 trade show in Detroit. In addition to displaying the Rizon 10, the company also showed the Rizon 4 and the Rizon 4s.

Flexiv at Automate 2022.

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The Rizon 10 has seven degrees of freedom.

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