Top 10 Robots of Digital CES 2021

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Cadillac eVTOL air taxi

Speaking of drones, General Motors joined the race toward air taxis, which will need some level of autonomy, with its Cadillac eVTOL.

The personal transport is just a concept vehicle at this point, and some observers said the battery design may be too heavy for viable vertical takeoff and landing. Still, eVTOL was one of the more interesting-looking exhibits at CES 2021.

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1. Samsung JetBot 90 AI+ robotic vacuum

2. Ubtech Adibot-A disinfection robot

3. Daesung Hive Controller

4. Samsung Bot Handy aide

5. Bot Care telepresence robot

6. ITRI Dual Arm Robot System

7. Sony Airpeak drone

8. Cadillac eVTOL air taxi

9. Cadillac PAV Pod

10. John Deere X Series

Robot Technologies