ASM International Publishes Additive Manufacturing Processes Handbook

This volume provides the latest knowledge in materials, processes and applications of AM, written by the leading experts in research and industry.

This volume provides the latest knowledge in materials, processes and applications of AM, written by the leading experts in research and industry.

ASM International publishes the full volume of ASM Handbook, Volume 24: Additive Manufacturing Processes in ASM Handbooks Online in the ASM Digital Library. The print volume wa scheduled to be published in August 2020.

“ASM Handbook, Volume 24: Additive Manufacturing Processes,” edited by David L. Bourell, William Frazier, Howard Kuhn, and Mohsen Seifi, was developed to address the current and rapidly expanding importance of additive manufacturing (AM). This volume provides the latest knowledge in materials, processes and applications of AM, written by the leading experts in research and industry.

The handbook begins with an introduction and history of AM, authored by some of the key participants in that history as they trace the evolution of AM. It is comprised of five divisions including polymer, ceramic and metal AM processes divisions, and covers direct write processes, which take advantage of AM processes to combine materials and devices for multifunctional engineering applications.

About the ASM Digital Library

ASM International serves the materials research, reference, and education needs of engineers and scientists over the course of their careers through its comprehensive and authoritative information resources. The ASM Digital Library provides convenient access to a large collection of information and data on the composition, structure, properties, processing, performance and evaluation of engineering materials.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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