UniCarriers observes third annual National Forklift Safety Day

Meetings with legislators, open houses and training courses highlight the importance of safety.

Meetings with legislators, open houses and training courses highlight the importance of safety.

On June 14, UniCarriers Americas (UCA) joins other members of the Industrial Truck Association in observance of the third annual National Forklift Safety Day.

The event, chaired by UniCarriers president James J. Radous III, highlights the critical importance of maintenance and operator training in workplace safety.
UniCarriers Americas will participate in National Forklift Safety Day in several ways, including:

  • Washington D.C. events: UCA will be in attendance at the events in Washington D.C. where Radous will speak as the chairman of National Forklift Safety Day. Company representatives will also meet one-on-one with legislators on Capitol Hill.

  • Operator training courses: Free operator training courses will be offered at UCA’s factory stores, Capital Equipment and Handling and New England Industrial Truck.

  • Parts promotions: Special aftermarket parts promotional pricing is available for select equipment in June.

  • Dealer open houses: Some UniCarriers dealers will be hosting open house events, including MidAtlantic Industrial Equipment located in York, Penn.

Click for more information on National Forklift Safety Day and the UniCarriers events.

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