Automation IG cecomes RIA Certified Robot Integrator

Company becomes RIA's 19th Certified Robot Integrator.

Company becomes RIA's 19th Certified Robot Integrator.

Robotic Industries Association (RIA) today announced that Chattanooga, Tenn., based company, Automation IG, has received the RIA Certified Robot Integrator designation. In order to become certified, Automation IG completed a rigorous process which includes an on-site audit and testing of key personnel among other important criteria.

“We are delighted to welcome Automation IG as our nineteenth Certified Robot Integrator,” said Jeff Burnstein, president of RIA. “The Certified Robot Integrator program strengthens the overall integrator channel and allows integrators to benchmark their own processes against best industry practices. Based on industry feedback, we have found that achieving certification has proven to be valuable for integrators looking to showcase their capabilities to both users and suppliers.”

“Our team at Automation IG is proud to be an RIA Certified Robotic Integrator. The certification recognizes our experience integrating hundreds of robots in MIG welding, resistance welding, material handling, vision guided, and offline programmed applications. We will be able to use this certification in addition to our body of work to showcase the added value our company provides to global manufacturers. We are excited to be part of a limited group of companies capable of achieving this certification and look forward to continuing our work with the RIA,” said Greg Noll, vice president Automation IG.

RIA requires each certified integrator to be recertified every two years. Detailed information on the certification program and the certified robot integrators can be found on a special section of Robotics Online.

“Robotics customers, of course, still need to conduct their own due diligence on the suppliers they select,” said Burnstein. “RIA cannot guarantee the work of any integrator or recommend which integrators to choose. We have 60 system integrator members and look forward to having more of them go through the certification process in the near future.”

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