How Amazon Can Become the World’s First Trillion-Dollar Business

RBC Capital Markets analyst Mark Mahaney thinks Amazon is in a good position to continue to grow as a company, here are his remarks as a presenter for Business Insider's Ignition conference.

RBC Capital Markets analyst Mark Mahaney thinks Amazon is in a good position to continue to grow as a company, here are his remarks as a presenter for Business Insider's Ignition conference.

It wasn’t too long ago that a billion-dollar company was unimaginable.

Today, the business landscape is riddled with companies pulling in not just billion-dollar valuations, but billion-dollar revenues on a quarterly basis.

The times have certainly changed, and with the help of inflation, globalization, and increased levels of human capital and technology, it’s almost underwhelming to hear that there’s a new billion-dollar company in play.

So far, there has not been a company in history that has officially hit a $1 trillion valuation.

There have been some tremendously valuable businesses in the past, most notably the Dutch East India Company in the 1600s, which would have been worth roughly $7.4 trillion in present-day dollars, according to Yahoo.

But in modern history? No company has come close. Not yet, anyway. a

As of right now, Apple is the world’s most valuable company with a $700 billion market capitalization.

A market capitalization, per Investopedia, is the summation in total dollar amount that all of a company’s outstanding shares add up to. It’s a different way of looking at how big a business is, rather than simply using revenue or profit data. It’s a good way to compare and contrast the size and scope of different companies.

In the video above, RBC Capital Markets analyst Mark Mahaney thinks Amazon is in a good position to continue to growth and become the first world's first trillion-dollar business, a view also shared by Scott Galloway, founder and chairman of L2 and clinical professor of marketing at NYU Stern.

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