MODEX 2024: Cypher Robotics releases Captis AGV for industrial scanning

Company partners with InDro Robotics, GreyOrange and Ericsson for new offering

InDro Robotics

Cypher Robotics released its Captis AGV at MODEX 2024 in Atlanta.
Cypher Robotics announced a new AGV for industrial scanning called Captis. The company partnered with Indro Robotics, GreyOrange and Ericsson for the new robot.

Cypher Robotics announced at MODEX 2024 in Atlanta a new offering for efficient and accurate cycle counting and industrial scanning, the Captis autonomous ground vehicle (AGV).

The company also revealed partnerships with AI-driven organization GreyOrange, technology company Ericsson and Canadian retailer Indro Robotics.

From air and ground in the warehouse

Cypher calls its offering ‘The Future of Warehouse Robotics’ because it combines both aerial and ground robotics technology into a single, integrated package.

The Captis AGV can find its way around warehouses all on its own. It won’t bump into people or objects, and requires no infrastructure changes. When it’s time for cycle counting, it uses drone technology attached to the ground robot with a tether - used to power the drone and for real-time data transfer. The drone ascends vertically and begins scanning products as the Captis base navigates its way down narrow corridors.

The system can capture data with 99.9% accuracy autonomously for up to five hours per mission, according to Cypher. That data is automatically integrated with existing warehouse management system (WMS), warehouse control system (WCS) and warehouse execution system (WES) software. Captis eliminates the costs associated with manual cycle counts, improves inventory accuracy, and ensures

“Captis is completely a hands-off product,” said Philip Reece, CEO of Indro Robotics. “When we say this is ‘the future of warehouse robotics’, we mean it. It completely eliminates the dull and repetitive task of scanning by hand, freeing up employees to do more satisfying work. It also frees up or eliminates the need for equipment like modified forklifts that have been previously required for the task.”

Partnerships with GreyOrange and Ericsson

Along with the new AGV news, Cypher also announced two partnerships at MODEX. The Ottawa-based company has partnered with GreyOrange and Ericsson.

“The Captis autonomous cycle counting solution is powered by GreyOrange’s GreyMatter, our fulfillment orchestration platform,” said Akash Gupta, co-founder and CEO, GreyOrange. “We are excited that Cypher Robotics has joined GreyOrange’s Certified RangerTM Network (CRN) ecosystem. Cypher’s Captis solution is a great option for companies new to automation and robotics to begin leveraging such tech since only one bot is needed per warehouse on average.”

“Captis is an innovative solution that listens to the industry’s needs and efficiently answers them,” said Manish Tiwari, head of private cellular networks, Ericsson Business. “Being connected to Ericsson Private 5G allows Captis to traverse warehouses while maintaining consistent connectivity which ensures the safety of employees and devices.”

Want to learn more about data management in robots? This article was featured in the September 2024 Robotics 24/7 Special Focus Issue titled “Robots as mobile data platforms.”

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InDro Robotics

Cypher Robotics released its Captis AGV at MODEX 2024 in Atlanta.

Robot Technologies