RFP Best Practice: Automating the LTL Bidding Process

Whether conducting an LTL RFP with the intent to manage transportation spends or increase provider options, a professional bid application adds structure to the process, resulting in improved efficiency, reduced risk of errors and quicker bid turnaround times.

Whether conducting an LTL RFP with the intent to manage transportation spends or increase provider options, a professional bid application adds structure to the process, resulting in improved efficiency, reduced risk of errors and quicker bid turnaround times.

The complexity of less-than-truckload rates makes formal bids hard to conduct and even more difficult to analyze.

Solutions that simplify the LTL (less-than-truckload) RFP process by automating, facilitating and managing to bid between carriers and shippers are invaluable in this complex environment.

Shippers can use bid automation tools to make strategic decisions about which carriers are best suited to transport their goods.

Whether conducting an LTL RFP with the intent to manage transportation spends or increase provider options, a professional bid application adds structure to the process, resulting in improved efficiency, reduced risk of errors and quicker bid turnaround times.

There are four simple reasons shippers should automate the LTL RFP process:

Quick Access to Carriers

With the trucking capacity crunch in full swing, shippers need quick access to the right carriers for the job. By using an automated RFP solution, customers can easily and quickly see what carriers have the right LTL capacity.

Bidding solutions like Bid$ense®, which provides immediate access to over 500 carriers, lead to quicker RFP turnarounds, standardizing carrier responses to shipper inquiries and streamlining the entire process.

No More Errors

An LTL RFP is a complex, data-filled process, and using spreadsheets and other manual tools to conduct such a complicated undertaking is asking for trouble. Automation not only saves time but provides rigor and a level of confidence that simply isn’t there with manual tools.

Sure, mistakes may still occur, but by standardizing the bid responses and automating the process, shippers can vastly reduce the likelihood of errors.

Maximize Efficiency

Believe it or not, many 3PLs still have an analyst or two sending emails, crunching spreadsheets and calling clients on the phone during the RFP process.

This is an inefficient use of resources. Automated RFP technology bleeds out manual processes, letting supply chain stakeholders spend more time on tasks important to their businesses.

Improve Visibility

LTL RFP solutions like Bid$ense - which retains bid history so bidders can learn from the past as they plan their next event - allow shippers to see deeper into the procurement process.

The fact is that most bidders embarking on the RFP process don’t have any visibility beyond their tier-one providers. Shippers that gain a complete picture of their supply chain end up with smarter, more rewarding carrier partnerships.

SMC³’s Bid$ense can simplify and expedite the time-consuming bid process by automating the entire event.

To learn how SMC³’s Bid$ense can drive value for your organization, download the paper “Strategic LTL Bidding for Minimum Cost & Maximum Efficiency” or watch a detailed demo here or contact SMC³’s Customer Support team and get started on your next bid.

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Download the Paper

Strategic LTL Bidding for Minimum Cost & Maximum Efficiency
This paper details how SMC³ designed Bid$ense for complete procurement transparency, and how you’ll move ahead with ease and confidence toward best-choice carrier qualification and truly strategic LTL procurement. Download Now!

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