Automation: Robotics lab hosts St. Louis elementary students

Visit offers students firsthand robotic demonstrations and presentations in Intelligrated's new lab

Visit offers students firsthand robotic demonstrations and presentations in Intelligrated's new lab

Intelligrated, a leading North American-owned automated material handling solutions provider, is hosting second grade students from 11 Rockwood School District elementary schools May 16-18 at the company’s new Alvey Robotics Lab in St. Louis, Mo.

Teaming up with Partners in Education, an organization devoted to linking K-12 academically gifted curriculum with “real world” experiences, Intelligrated will offer students firsthand demonstrations and presentations on the role robotics are playing in the world today and the potential for the future.

“These demonstrations introduce many STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) concepts in a motivating environment with minds-on, hands-on activities about a topic fascinating to students, robots,” said Chris Nobbe, gifted education specialist for Rockwood. “The robotics demonstrations bring enthusiasm and inspiration for today’s students who could easily pursue a STEM career.”

“We are excited to host this educational day for the students,” said Steve Ackerman, executive vice president, Intelligrated. “It is an exciting time for the robotics industry and we hope to spark interest for robotics in today’s children.”

Members of the media are invited to tour the lab and speak with attendants at the demonstration. Kim Litzau, supervisor Partners in Education, Intelligrated representatives and Chris Nobbe will be available for interview.

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