SmartCAMcnc Releases New Software Subscription Options

Company says annual subscription provides lower entry costs; SmartCAM standard license offerings are also price reduced.

Company says annual subscription provides lower entry costs; SmartCAM standard license offerings are also price reduced.

SmartCAMcnc now provides a new software subscription option that cuts acquisition costs for computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software, the company reports, adding that high acquisition costs are often cited as an impediment for computer numerical control machine shops to obtain the CAM software they need. 

Basically, SmartCAMcnc is adding an annual subscription option to its existing “perpetual-use licenses.” New annual subscription customers pay no up-front software license fees. An annual subscription for production level SmartCAM solutions start as low as $75/month, and can be renewed if the customer chooses.

“SmartCAM customers now have more flexibility in their software configuration and deployment, and can benefit from the lower acquisition costs,” says Gregg Olson, founder and president of SmartCAMcnc. “All subscription offerings include the high-quality SmartCAM software and technical support customers have enjoyed for over 30 years.”

Those interested in finding out more can visit the SmartCAMcnc website, where SmartCAMcnc offers a side-by-side comparison of details of the two subscription offerings.

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Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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