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Topic: Aerospace

Spain Gains Mobile Robot Companies as Automation Sector Grows, Finds New Report
Spain is home to a growing number of automation businesses, many of which specialize in integration, mobile robots, and the automotive industry, found HowToRobot and partners.

Hidden Level Airspace Monitoring Service to Track Drone Compliance With New FAA Rules
Hidden Level said its Airspace Monitoring Service relieves drone operators from having to manage sensors for compliance with the FAA's remote ID requirements.

Near Earth Autonomy Named Innovator of the Year by Pittsburgh Technology Council
Near Earth Autonomy, which has developed systems to make aircraft from drones to helicopters autonomous, received recognition from the PTC for its innovation.

Changi Airport Group and Sarcos Robotics Demonstrate Outdoor Baggage Handling Automation
Changi Airport in Singapore and Sarcos tested a prototype system to augment human workers by loading and unloading loose passenger bags from narrow-bodied aircraft.

Sanctuary Cognitive Systems Gets $30M Investment From Canadian Government
The Canadian government wants to be a leader in AI development, as its Strategic Innovation Fund invests in general-purpose robot developer Sanctuary Cognitive Systems.

Markforged Adds Simulation Features to Additive Manufacturing Software
Markforged's new Simulation software enabled Larsen Motorsports to design and produce 3D printed steering wheels faster and with fewer iterations.

Optomec and Acme Manufacturing Show Automated Workcell for Adaptive Turbine Part Repair at Formnext
Optomec, an additive manufacturing firm, and Acme, a robotic material removal expert, have built a unified workcell for aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul.

NEURA Robotics Builds on Cognitive Cobots With 4NE-1 Humanoid
NEURA Robotics has developed systems using computer vision, AI, and voice technology to quickly learn tasks and has applied those lessons in 4NE-1.

Robots Are Taking on the Most Difficult Jobs in Finland, Finds Report
In Finland, robotics suppliers and integrators have specialized in niche applications in manufacturing, found Gain & Co., HowToRobot, and the Robotics Society in Finland.

PickNik Robotics Wins Space Force Contract for On-Orbit Capture, NASA Contract for Machine Learning in Space
PickNik Robotics recently won a U.S. Space Force contract for orbital robot arms, a NASA contract for supervised autonomy, and a Colorado AIA grant for space robotics.

OutdoorNav Software From Clearpath Robotics Designed to Speed Autonomous Vehicle Development
Clearpath Robotics said its OutdoorNav platform provides GPS-based navigation for robotics and autonomous vehicle developers. It also announced a partner program.

E-Walker Robot Design Could Change Construction in Space, Say U.K. Scientists
The E-Walker robot has been tested by researchers at the University of Lincoln for use in the in-space assembly of a 25 m-large Aperture Space Telescope.

H3 Dynamics Partners With ARO to Support Drone in a Box Installations Across the U.S.
H3 Dynamics and Administrative Resource Options, or ARO, will combine their expertise to provide 24/7 service for drone station deployments across the U.S.

ARM Institute Opens Florida Office to Expand Regional Support for Manufacturing Innovation in Robotics and AI
The ARM Institute will open its second location in St. Petersburg, Fla., to grow its support of industry, workforce development, and membership in the region.

Festo Plans to Demonstrate Two Agile Flying Robots at RoboBoston
Festo will show off its BionicOpter and BionicSwifts at MassRobotics' RoboBoston event in Boston. The flying robots are designed to be more maneuverable than other drones.

European Space Agency Chooses Astrobotic and Lunar Logistics Services for First Commercial Delivery to the Moon
Astrobotics is working with Lunar Logistics Services and the European Space Agency on this mission.

How to Create an Effective 3D Printing Workflow
3D printing and additive manufacturing offer new levels of speed and flexibility for production, but you must first understand processes, materials, and scale.

Aerobotix and FerRobotics Create End of Arm Tool for Sanding in Hazardous Environments
Aerobotix and FerRobotics said their new Class II, Division 1 sander tool can eliminate the risk of silicosis and combustion in hazardous environments.

New Robotics and AI Lab at Saint Leo University Designed to Give Students Hands-on Time with Robots
A new lab at Saint Leo University in Florida was designed to teach students about a range of robotics applications.

AUVSI and Fortress Information Security to Develop Cyber-Security Model for Uncrewed Vehicles
The Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems is working with Fortress Information Security to help protect unmanned vehicles from cyber-attacks.

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