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Topic: Supply Chain

JETCAM and Airborne Collaborate on Digital Interface for Automated Kitting
Integration provides data exchange for automated kitting of composite plies.

Digital Transformation in Turbulent Times
The pandemic has prompted the increased use of design and simulation technologies to prepare for an uncertain future.

3D Printing in a Post-COVID-19 World
Mass customization and flexibility ensure additive manufacturing's role in the post-COVID world.

Micro-Fulfillment: More Than Automation
To say the pandemic has accelerated e-commerce might be the understatement of the decade. Everywhere you look data validates the idea that Americans are more comfortable than ever with point,...

Is Now the Time for Robotic Lift Trucks?
Though robotic industrial trucks are still a small slice of the market, expectations are growing for them as operations seek to speed up their processes while lessening the struggle of...

Berkshire Grey Launches Partner Alliance Program for Supply Chain Robotics
Berkshire Grey Partner Alliance program connects customers and supply chain partners with robotic solutions.

How Mobile Robots Empower the Workforce
Office Depot's deployment of collaborative mobile robots improves safety, energizes workforce.

Port Logistics Group and Locus Robotics Team up for Deployment Effort
The companies said that this collaboration will augment warehouse productivity, order pick accuracy, and workplace ergonomics and safety.

Hyundai Motor Group to Acquire Controlling Interest in Boston Dynamics From SoftBank
Hyundai Motor Group to acquire controlling interest in robotics company Boston Dynamics from SoftBank

Edge Computing Platform Offers Smart Monitoring Options
The IoT Edge platform from ClearBlade uses Edge AI technology to help companies and organizations monitor and predict performance for industries, including rail, manufacturing, retail, aerospace, and agriculture.

NVIDIA Debuts GeForce RTX 3060 Family for the Holidays
GeForce RTX 3060 Ti delivers ray-tracing and deep learning super sampling performance.

Design Software Training Evolves in the Pandemic
Professional training providers IMAGINiT and SolidProfessor discuss the transformation of CAD classes during the Coronarivus outbreak.

NorthShore Care Supply Implements Waypoint AMRs to Multiply Output
The adult incontinence supplier also used a WES-WCS for enhanced productivity.

Locus Robotics Reaches Milestone of 250M Units Picked as Black Friday Nears
Locus Robotics' robots now pick more than 10,000 units every 15 minutes, across sites of its global retail, industrial, healthcare, and 3PL customers

How NFI Industries Is Meeting the Innovation Challenge
The 3PL implemented a fleet of eight autonomous mobile robots in one e-commerce fulfillment center. The result is more than double the productivity in that area.

SynDaver Offers 3D Printing Holiday Discount
Take more than $1,000 off SynDaver Axi 3D printer for Black Friday, Cyber Monday.

Top 20 Automatic Identification and Data Capture Suppliers 2020
As warehouse and DC operators find new ways to manage the impacts of the global pandemic, automatic identification and data capture solutions continue to play an important role in their...

Berkshire Grey Announces Robotic Picking With Purpose Program
Warehouse robotics innovator Berkshire Grey joins forces with City Harvest and The Greater Boston Food Bank to bring Thanksgiving staples to people in need.

Purdue University Uses Machine Learning to Classify Mechanical Objects
Purdue University mechanical engineers creates comprehensive open-source annotated database of more than 58,000 3D mechanical parts

Siemens Closes the Loop on Autonomous Vehicle Development
SCAPTOR adds a data collection component to the Simcenter portfolio, accelerating the development of autonomous vehicles.

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