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Topic: Transportation

Wayve Partners With Ocado Group to Develop Autonomous Global Delivery Globally
The data collected by Ocado's grocery delivery vans outfitted with Wayve's deep learning and camera technology will help the partners overcome last-mile challenges.

Arbe Robotics Completes SPAC Merger, to Be First Publicly Listed Automotive Imaging Radar Firm
Arbe Robotics, which is developing 4D imaging radar chipsets for vehicle applications, will receive $118 million in investment to continue development and commercialization.

Ouster to Acquire Sense Photonics, Bring Solid-State Lidar to Market for Automotive Industry
The companies said the acquisition will solidify Ouster as an industry leader with long-range solid-state digital lidar, a major OEM deal, and series production with global automakers.

FedEx Express and Future Mobility Campus Ireland Begin Testing Drone Deliveries
Skyports will be operating innovative cargo drone deliveries for FedEx Express and the FMCI Air Consortium, which expect to make BVLOS deliveries in under 13 minutes.

GM Invests $300M in Momenta to Deploy Self-Driving Technologies in China
As part of its global strategy toward electric and autonomous vehicles, General Motors is investing in Momenta, a Chinese developer of self-driving software.

NVIDIA Working With Open Robotics to Accelerate ROS 2 Perception for Robot Developers
NVIDIA is working to help robotics developers and startups by enabling ROS 2 to run on its Jetson processors for perception, modeling, and training in realistic environments.

Aurora Partners With FedEx, PACCAR to Autonomously Deliver Goods at Scale
Truck maker PACCAR has expanded its partnership with autonomous technology developer Aurora to test the self-driving hauling of FedEx loads between Dallas and Houston.

Oshkosh Corp. Invests in Carnegie Foundry to Build Autonomy and Robotics Capabilities
Oshkosh Corp. has invested in and is partnering with Carnegie Foundry to accelerate the development of autonomous systems and robotics for industrial uses.

Embark, Ryder to Establish Nationwide Network of Freight Transfer Points for Autonomous Truck Fleet
Embark's autonomous trucking network will gain access to Ryder's freight transfer points, fleet management options, and maintenance facilities across the U.S.

GrAI Matter Labs and ADLINK Partner to Integrate SMARC Module With GrAI VIP
GrAI Matter Labs is combining its vision AI processors with ADLINK's development kits to enable smarter and more efficient camera modules on devices at the edge. Closes $300M Series B Funding, Plans to Scale Urban Logistics and Fleet Operation, which raised $100 million in addition to the stake that Alibaba acquired last month, plans to grow its urban robotaxi and autonomous truck operations.

Tower Semiconductor Says New Lidar Technology Can Make Autonomous Vehicles More Responsive
Tower Semiconductor, which provides foundry platforms for integrated circuits, said it has made a breakthrough for high-precision lidar in autonomous vehicles.

Top 10 Robotics and Autonomous Vehicle Transactions of August 2021
In August 2021, the total number of deals and their dollar value fell from the previous month, but industrial automation, self-driving cars, and logistics still thrived.

Motional and Hyundai Unveil IONIQ 5 Driverless Robotaxi
Motional and Hyundai Motor Group have collaborated on the electric, driverless robotaxi, which is based on Hyundai's IONIQ 5 and will enter commercial service in 2023.

Alibaba Group Buys Stake in Autonomous Robotaxi Firm DeepRoute
DeepRoute, which says it is developing "full-stack" autonomous driving, is the latest startup to receive funding from e-commerce company Alibaba, "China's Amazon."

Perrone Robotics Signs OEM Agreement With Local Motors for Autonomous Shuttles
Autonomous vehicle pioneers Perrone Robotics and Local Motors are collaborating to integrate Perrone's TONY autonomy kit into Local Motors Olli electric shuttle this year.

Network Rail, Cranfield University Use Clearpath Robot for Autonomous Rail Inspection and Repair
The In2Smart 2 project involves academia and corporate researchers working to automate rail inspection and repair. They've used a Warthog UGV as a robust platform for equipment.

AutoX Demonstrates Autonomous Robotaxis in ‘Urban Villages’
In a new video, AutoX showed how its Gen5 system enables an autonomous robotaxi to maneuver through dense neighborhoods. The company has permission to operate in China and California.

AEye Closes SPAC Merger, and Lidar Maker Begins Trading on Nasdaq
AEye said its software-configurable, adaptive iDAR system provides range, resolution, and speed advantages over existing lidar for autonomous vehicles, driver assistance, and robots.

Waymo and Ryder Partner to Scale Autonomous Truck Maintenance Nationwide
Waymo will use Ryder's network of 500 maintenance facilities across the U.S. for its growing fleet of autonomous trucks. It is also building a transportation hub in Dallas.

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