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Glossary Term: API

API stands for Application Programming Interface. Application programming interfaces are the links that allow pieces of software to communicate with each other. They are designed to only show programmers the essential details they need to send instructions to another program or device. They are helpful because they allow developers to build new features on top of existing applications. When working on robots, developers can take advantage of APIs to help expand their functionality and capabilities.

Latest API posts

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Maxim AI announces general availability, $3 million funding round
Founded by former Google and Postman API employees Vaibhavi Gangwar and Akshay Deo, Maxim AI aims to bring traditional software development best practices to AI workflows.

Remote.It unveils new scripting API for IoT fleet management
Remote.It’s latest SaaS scripting API of IoT networks powered by GraphQL is compatible with Linux and Windows and can operate over 5G and Starlink satellite networks.

READY Robotics Explains How to Build a Robotics Plugin for ChatGPT
ChatGPT is all the rage, and applying it to industrial robots is possible with a vendor-agnostic plugin, explains READY Robotics.

Hyundai Elevator Signs Pact With LG Electronics, KT to Coordinate Elevators and Robots
Hyundai Elevator last year released an open API to enable its elevators to communicate with service robots, and its new agreement intends to promote more connected systems.

Viam Offers Flexible Software Platform for Robotics
Viam said its new platform makes it easier for robotics developers to prototype, move into production, manage data and machine learning, and scale fleets, bringing products to market faster.

OSARO Launches AI Powered Robotic Kitting System for Growing Subscription Market
OSARO said its OSARO Robotic Kitting System applies AI and modular hardware to precisely and efficiently pick and place a variety of SKUs for subscription kits.

Groundlight Announces Natural Language Powered Computer Vision Service for Manufacturing, Robotics
Groundlight has launched a visual understanding service that uses natural language instructions that could help warehouse operators and manufacturers of all sizes.

GreyOrange Co-Founder Discusses Trends in Micro-Fulfillment and Mobile Robot Fleet Management
GreyOrange co-founder Samay Kohi noted that the GreyMatter orchestration software is already in use around the world and that the company is open to working with partners worldwide.

Multiagent Orchestration Platforms to Direct Warehouse Robot Fleets, Predicts Gartner Research
Gartner recently found that point-to-point API integration is not sufficient for growing robot fleets, and GreyOrange noted that its GreyMatter orchestration software can help.

Handddle Micro-Factories Platform and Markforged Eiger to Jointly Enable Standardization and Process Monitoring
Handddle said its SMART FARM will connect with Markforged's cloud software and 3D printers to ensure additive manufacturing consistency across sites.

OutdoorNav Software From Clearpath Robotics Designed to Speed Autonomous Vehicle Development
Clearpath Robotics said its OutdoorNav platform provides GPS-based navigation for robotics and autonomous vehicle developers. It also announced a partner program.

Argo AI Releases Product Suite to Reduce Barrier of Entry for Autonomous Vehicle Operation
Argo AI has detailed how its latest software, services, and tools help expand its autonomous vehicle network.

Acceleration Robotics Launches ROBOTCORE to Speed up ROS 2 Processing
Acceleration Robotics said its new hardware framework for the Robot Operating System will enable developers to design custom compute with faster response times.

SIP Global Partners Teams Up With NVIDIA on Investment Round for READY Robotics
READY Robotics' investment round came a week after NVIDIA announced that Omniverse Isaac Sim is now integrated into the Forge/OS software for controlling robots.

How NVIDIA Isaac Sim and BenchBot Can Make Robotics Development Easier
Three researchers at the Queensland University of Technology's Centre for Robotics discuss how BenchBot and NVIDIA Isaac Sim can help developers.

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