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Glossary Term: Deep Learning

Deep learning is type of machine learning in which artificial neural networks take a layered or hierarchical approach to processing data. This artificial intelligence technique involves representation learning, in which each layer can transform data into a more abstract representation. Deep learning is used in speech recognition and natural language processing, image and video processing, and machine vision. The algorithms are used in finance, drug discovery, and robot training applications.

Latest Deep Learning posts

Unitree Robotics debuts new G1 humanoid with $16K price tag
Unitree Robotics announced the release of its new G1 humanoid robot, a smaller humanoid compared to its H1 offering, that comes with a base model price of $16K.

CES 2024: Orbbec rolls out Gemini 2 XL camera
The Orbbec Gemini 2 XL camera is made for AI-based vision developers looking for an affordable, wide FOV RGB-D PoE camera with high-performance over a long range and varied lighting condition.

After Successful Pilot, Chartwells to Deploy Picnic Works’ Pizza Station Robot Across Five U.S. Universities
Order up. Food service management company Chartwells will be placing Picnic’s pizza making robots at an initial five universities across the country.

Evolution Gym at MIT CSAIL Gets Soft Robots Into Shape for Basic Tasks
Scientists at MIT CSAIL created a system for co-optimizing the brain and body of soft robots and found that they often resembled real animals while outperforming hand-designed robots.

Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories and MIT Work to Bridge Gap Between Robot Vision, Touch
MERL and MIT researchers are working to apply machine learning, collaborative robots, sensors, and vision to help robots more dexterously manipulate items such as food.

MathWorks Presents New Release 2020b of MATLAB and Simulink
Update includes expanded Simulink access, new products, major updates and hundreds of new features.

MathWorks Partners with NVIDIA’s Deep Learning Institute to offer new Deep Learning with MATLAB course
Partnership entails new offering of a Deep Learning with MATLAB course.

Microway Delivers NVIDIA DGX A100 to a U.S. Educational Institution
HPC & AI solution provider to deliver advanced AI system to the University of Florida.

MathWorks Release Delivers Additional AI Capabilities to Engineers
Engineers can now train neural networks in the updated Deep Network Designer app, manage multiple deep learning experiments in a new Experiment Manager app, and choose from more network options...

Making Autonomous Vehicles Smarter
Combining real-world info and simulated conditions to build a data set.

Deep Learning and Design Engineering
Designers incorporate AI and deep learning into new products and in their own design processes.

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