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Topic: Grippers

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FANUC to Introduce New DR-3iB/6 STAINLESS Delta Robot for Primary Food Handling at Automate 2022
FANUC will have plenty of demonstrations at Automate 2022 this year, including for its new food handling robots and cobots.

Sarcos Completes Beta Development of Guardian XT Teleoperated Robotic Avatar
Sarcos Technology and Robotics Corp., which develops industrial exoskeletons and teleoperation systems, said its dual-armed Guardian XT robot will be tested through midyear.

Soft Robotics to Debut mGripAI for Food Handling at International Processing and Production Expo
At IPPE in Atlanta, Soft Robotics and CHL Systems will demonstrate how the mGripAI system can enable industrial robots to conduct complex food-handling tasks previously done manually.

Festo Reports Strong Demand for Magswitch E-Series Magnetic Grippers
Festo, which is distributing Magswitch's E-Series magnetic grippers, says their novel design characteristics enable fast and effective gripping of objects without damage.

Symbotic to Take AI Powered Supply Chain Robots Public With SoftBank Partnership
Symbotic, which supplies AI-driven warehouse automation to customers such as Walmart, expects SPAC transaction with SoftBank to help it address $5 billion backlog in orders.

MIT CSAIL Designs Dexterous Robot Hands to Easily Manipulate Multiple Objects
MIT CSAIL has built a model-free framework that can learn to reorient more than 2,000 geometrically different objects from above or below, with implications for logistics and manufacturing.

Learn OnRobot Platform Guides Users for Collaborative Applications
OnRobot aims to ease the design and deployment of common collaborative robot applications using its tooling by offering the free Learn OnRobot Web-based training platform.

ATI Industrial Automation Develops Mini43LP Force Torque Sensor for Compact, High Precision Applications
ATI said its Mini43LP force/torque sensor is designed to be suitable for smaller applications including electronics assembly, robot-assisted surgery, and laboratory automation.

How to Pick a Collaborative Robot
After reviewing the benefits and limitations of collaborative robots, the Southwest Research Institute describes factors to consider when choosing a cobot to buy.

Soft Robotics Launches SoftAI to Help Food Industry Adopt Robots
SoftAI can augment industrial robots with "hand-eye" coordination, says Soft Robotics. It could drive automation adoption for a more resilient food supply chain, it said.

Five Robotics Failures and What Developers Can Learn From Them
Humanoid robots, fruit-picking robots, and the ongoing self-driving car race show that rather than blame luck or overestimate technology, designers can learn from past mistakes.

MHS Robotics Spins Out From R&D Unit to Provide Supply Chain Technologies
MHS Robotics offers autonomous mobile robots, computer vision, machine vision, simulation, 3D cameras, and end effectors for e-commerce and parcel logistics facilities.

German, Canadian Researchers Work to Improve Robot Picking in FLAIROP Project
Researchers from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Festo, Darwin AI, and the University of Waterloo are working to apply deep learning to improve robotic picking in warehouses.

Soft Robotics Raises $10M to Help Meet Pandemic-Induced Demand for Food Automation
Soft Robotics, which makes the mGrip modular compliant gripper and the SoftAI software for tasks such as food handling, plans to continue expanding its commercial operations.

Soft Robotics Names AMP Automation as a Preferred System Integrator
Soft Robotics, which makes the mGrip compliant gripper, 3D vision, and AI systems, is working with AMP Automation to expand robotics adoption in the European food and beverage market.

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