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Topic: HowToRobot

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HowToRobot automation marketplace merges with Gain & Co advisory firm
Global automation marketplace HowToRobot and independent advisory firm Gain & Co merged to expand their vendor-agnostic robot consultation and supply business reach.

How robotics, automation play a role in navigating economic uncertainty in 2024
Despite a major drop in robotics spending in 2023, industry analysts expect that automation investment will see a rebound in 2024 and beyond.

Finland’s Robotics Industry Specializes in Small Series Production, Finds HowToRobot
Finland has 201 robotics suppliers, largely focused on the country's metals and manufacturing sectors, according to the latest national profile by HowToRobot and the Robotics Society in Finland.

Spanish Robotics Industry Rebounds From COVID-19, Says HowToRobot
The Spanish robotics market includes many integrators and is growing again after three years of a COVID-19 slowdown, said a new study.

Norway Energy Sector Diversifying, Presenting Opportunities for Automation, Finds Report
Norway has many robotics suppliers for its oil and gas industry, but the transition to other energy sources offers an opportunity, said HowToRobot and NFEA.

Canada Robotics Sector Stays Close to Manufacturing, Finds and A3 Study
Canada is home to numerous robotics integrators and suppliers, most of whom serve manufacturing, but healthcare and energy are increasing in importance, found the study.

HowToRobot Partners With A3 on Study That Finds Robots Are Expanding Beyond Factories in the U.S.
A significant number of suppliers are providing automation technologies to diverse sectors beyond traditional manufacturing, a new market study shows. Brings Global Automation Marketplace to Spain has opened an office in Barcelona to foster connections between Spanish automation suppliers and local manufacturers through its global marketplace.

Italy Has the Most Robotics and Automation Companies in Europe, Finds Report
Italy is home to more robotics and automation companies than France or Germany, according to HowToRobot and the Italian Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association.

Dutch Robotics Industry Is Growing but Faces ‘Market Adoption Gap,’ Says HowToRobot
The Dutch robotics industry is growing, but HowToRobots found that developers need more funding to assist the manufacturing, logistics, and agriculture sectors.

Netherlands Robotics Sector Growing, Especially in Agriculture, Says HowToRobot Report
The Netherlands is home to a healthy robotics industry, with a growing number of suppliers and a focus on innovations, especially for farming, according to HowToRobot.

Spain Gains Mobile Robot Companies as Automation Sector Grows, Finds New Report
Spain is home to a growing number of automation businesses, many of which specialize in integration, mobile robots, and the automotive industry, found HowToRobot and partners.

Robots Are Taking on the Most Difficult Jobs in Finland, Finds Report
In Finland, robotics suppliers and integrators have specialized in niche applications in manufacturing, found Gain & Co., HowToRobot, and the Robotics Society in Finland.

Norwegian Robot Adoption to Accelerate, Says 2022 Market Report
From aquaculture to battery production, Norwegian manufacturers and small and midsize enterprises are ready to adopt automation, found a HowToRobot, Gain & Co., and the NFEA.

The Key to Revitalizing Manufacturing is Human Labor and Robots Working Hand in Hand. But How?
Søren Peters of takes a look at the challenges of integrating automation in today's evolving manufacturing industry.

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