ASTM International Unveils Roadmap for Digitalization of the Construction Industry
October 12, 2023
Standards group ASTM International has identified eight technologies and action plans to help the construction industry adopt transformative systems.
ASTM International Developing Standards for Testing Robot Assembly
September 11, 2023
ASTM International's F45 committee on robotics, automation, and autonomous systems is seeking manufacturers to help develop standards for testing robot assembly capabilities.
ASTM International Gives Roger Bostelman Award of Merit for Volunteer Work in Exoskeleton Standards Development
May 5, 2023
ASTM International has given Dr. Roger Bostelman its highest honor in recognition of his productivity and leadership in advancing standards for exoskeletons and industrial robotics.
ASTM Committee F45 on Robotics Completes Spring Meetings, Announces New Work Items and Focus Areas
May 1, 2023
ASTM International's F45 Committee on Robotics, Automation, and Autonomous Systems recently met to discuss standards efforts around mobile and legged robots, educational carts, and grasping.
ASTM International to Host Workshop on Digital Construction Roadmapping
January 9, 2023
ASTM International and NIST plan to host an in-person discussion about the state of digital construction and the desired direction for the industry and technology.
Additive Construction Is the ‘Next Frontier,’ Says Wohlers Associates, as ASTM International Works With NIST
December 28, 2022
Additive construction applies 3D printing and could advance building processes, according to Wohlers Associates. Its parent ASTM International is developing a roadmap with NIST.
NIST Scientists Go Soft on 3D Printing
September 22, 2020
New method may jumpstart the construction of tiny medical devices for the body.
NIST Tackles Metal 3D Printing Quality
August 24, 2017
Two labs are collaborating to build the Additive Manufacturing Metrology Testbed (AMMT), which is a custom-built 3D printer that will be used to help gain more understanding of how AM...