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Topic: OEM

Ampure achieves EVAL Platinum level certification for workplace charging
Ampure received the highest level of EVAL certification for its two Los Angeles locations for electric vehicle and industrial charging offerings.

Unleash the Bots to Demonstrate Technology for Manufacturers in South Carolina
Unleash the Bots will be an opportunity for manufacturers and logistics operators to discuss and see the latest mobile robots, cobots, and more, said the South Carolina Research Authority.

Doosan Robotics Partners With Industrial Automation Supply to Distribute Cobots in the Northeast
Doosan Robotics, which claims to have the world's largest collaborative robot lineup, is working with IAS to make them available in New England and the Northeast U.S.

David Pinn, New Brain Corp CEO, Discusses His Outlook for the Mobile Robot Software Company
David Pinn, Brain Corp's newly named CEO, discusses how his experience informs his plans for the company, why BrainOS is different from ROS, and how economic tailwinds benefit robotics.

Embark Universal Interface Designed to Add Self-Driving Tech to Existing Trucks
The Embark Universal Interface will accelerate the adoption of self-driving technology across carriers, says Embark.

Manufacturing-as-a-Service: Dawn of a New Horizon?
Engineers are using online manufacturing services to meet design deadlines.

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