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Topic: ROV

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Atlantas Marine receives royal business award
Somerset, England-based Atlantas Marine received a King’s Award for Enterprise from King Charles for its excellence in international trade, providing ROVs for inspection.

Sarcos Names Laura Peterson as President and CEO, Ben Wolff Rejoins Executive Team
Sarcos made Laura Peterson, who had been interim president and CEO, permanent. Former CEO Ben Wolff has rejoined leadership at the teleoperated systems company.

Sarcos Delivers Guardian Sea Class Robot to Atlantas Marine
Sarcos has integrated its Guardian Sea Class robot with VideoRay's Defender remotely operated vehicle in an offering through Atlantas Marine.

Shell Signs Offshore Service Agreement With Nauticus Robotics
Shell has contracted with Nauticus Robotics to conduct autonomous subsea manipulation tasks with Aquanaut on live subsea assets at more than 1 km depth without an umbilical.

Nauticus Robotics Gets Contract Extension From Leidos to Further Develop Undersea Systems
Nauticus Robotics is developing new systems based on its Aquanaut undersea robot and toolKITT software with funding from Leidos.

Sarcos Lays off Portion of Staff and Eliminates Manufacturing in Pittsburgh as Part of Cost Saving Efforts
Sarcos, which acquired RE2 Robotics just last year, has laid off about a quarter of its staff and said it is refocusing on aviation, marine, and solar markets.

Bedrock Raises $25.5M Series A for Robots for Seafloor Exploration and Offshore Wind Energy
Bedrock Ocean Explorations has raised funding to continue development of its autonomous underwater vehicle for oceanographic data acquisition and its cloud platform.

Advanced Navigation Expands Boreas Fiber Optic Gyroscope Line With New A Series
Advanced Navigation said its new Boreas A90 and A70 inertial measurement units offer accurate navigation for autonomous vehicles, field robots, and subsea systems.

Advanced Navigation Opens Australia’s Largest Subsea Robotics Center
Advanced Navigation plans to accelerate production of underwater technologies, including its Hydrus autonomous robot, at its new Perth facility for research, development, and manufacturing.

Sarcos and VideoRay Agree to Offer Robotic Arms Integrated With Underwater Vehicles
Sarcos and VideoRay will each sell and service the integrated underwater system, which will serve defense, scientific, and energy applications.

Nauticus Robotics Announces Commissioning Exercises for Mark 2 Aquanauts
Nauticus Robotics has begun commissioning exercises for its Mark 2 Aquanauts, which will shift between excursion and intervention configurations for offshore industrial use.

Nauticus Robotics Expands Fleet of Oceangoing Systems to Improve Sustainable Resource Use
Nauticus Robotics, which participated in a UN event on sustainability, is offering its fleet of robots, software, and services to oil and gas producers in Scotland and Norway.

Sarcos Successfully Demonstrates Robotics for Shipyard Maintenance, Inspection, and Repair
Sarcos recently showed the capabilities of its robots for dexterous manipulation and teleoperation on the ground and at height for the U.S. Navy.

RE2 Marks Technical Achievement With STARFISH Gripper for the U.S. Navy
RE2 has successfully assembled and lab-tested STARFISH, a gripper with multimodal sensing that is able to grasp a variety of objects underwater. It is designed for explosive ordnance disposal.

Terradepth Raises Series A Funding Toward Ocean Mapping as a Service
Terradepth will use the funding to further develop its Absolute Ocean cloud-based platform for sharing undersea data for energy, scientific, and utility use.

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