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Topic: Scythe Robotics

Working alongside Scythe Robotics autonomous mowers
Scythe Robotics’ implementation team trains landscapers to operate M.52 autonomous mowers through built-in control panels and app-based interfaces.

Scythe Robotics launches new generation of M.52 autonomous mower
Upgrades to Scythe Robotics’ latest generation of M.52 autonomous mower include a 25% increase in battery capacity and a completely redesigned control panel.

Scythe Robotics expands commercial landscaping robot production facility
Commercial landscaping robot provider Scythe Robotics expanded its headquarters and manufacturing facility to address its production waitlist and prepare for projected growth.

Scythe to adopt North American Charging Standard
Landscaping robot developer Scythe Robotics will adopt the “Tesla Charger,” or SAE standard J3400, alongside standardization within the parallel automotive industry.

Scythe Robotics Releases Open-Source CAN-based Development Platform for Autonomous Lawn Mower
Scythe Robotics said it is committed to providing more open-source services in the future.

Scythe Robotics Reaps $42M Series B to Deliver Autonomous Lawn Mower to Landscapers
Scythe Robotics said it will use its latest funding partly to scale up and deliver on 7,500 customer preorders for its M.52 autonomous lawn mower.

Scythe Robotics’ Autonomous Lawn Mower Designed to Make Landscaping More Efficient
Hoping to make a mark with large scale landscape contractors, Scythe Robotics is on the fifth generation of its autonomous lawn mower.

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