RIA to host International Collaborative Robots Workshop

Event in Silicon Valley, September 30, 2014, to feature prominent guest speakers from academics, suppliers and industry leaders.

Event in Silicon Valley, September 30, 2014, to feature prominent guest speakers from academics, suppliers and industry leaders.

The Robotic Industries Association (RIA) will host the International Collaborative Robots Workshop on September 30, 2014 at the San Jose Convention Center in San Jose, Calif.

The workshop will explore advancements in the field with a global view on collaborative robot technology, applications, safety implications and human impacts.

“We’re bringing together international robotics industry leaders, researchers, suppliers and users to help us understand where the industry is today and where it’s headed in the future with collaborative robots,” said Jeff Burnstein, president of RIA. “We are excited to host the event in Silicon Valley, one of the world’s hotbeds for robotics research and start-up companies.”

Confirmed speakers at the event include Dr. Rodney Brooks, founder, chairman and CTO of Rethink Robotics and Esben Østergaard, the CTO and co-founder of Universal Robots. Representatives from other leading robotics companies such as Yaskawa Motoman, KUKA, ABB and FANUC will also be speaking. Dr. Henrik Christensen of Georgia Tech and Rich Mahoney from SRI will discuss the latest research regarding collaborative robots. Sam Bouchard, President and Co-Founder of Robotiq, will speak on advances in gripping technology. Marty Linn, Principal Engineer of Robotics at General Motors, will give a user’s perspective from the automotive industry.

“We’re also planning to include a panel discussion of current and prospective users of collaborative robots,” added Burnstein. “Attendees will hear directly from these users the challenges that they face and the opportunities that exist in different industries, such as electronics, life sciences, automotive and consumer goods.”

Tabletop exhibits of collaborative robots and related technologies will be included, allowing attendees a hands-on experience with leading robotic products. The exhibition space will be open during breakfast, lunch and an evening networking reception.

The Silicon Valley Robotics group is an association sponsor of this event. For complete details and registration information, visit Robotics Online.

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