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Topic: Retail

IoT World 2017: Hungry for Data, Learning from AI, Learning to Read Emotions
IoT World conference highlights increased compute power in edge devices, privacy issues, AI's role in data analysis.

Mobile Computers Role in the Warehouse Data Web
The spread of technology throughout the warehouse has created abundant and valuable information, if only you can find it.

The Evolution of the Digital Supply Chain
Everyone is talking about terms like digitization, Industry 4.0 and digital supply chain management, but what sort of technologies fall under these broad terms, and how will they change the management...

Make Order Fulfillment More Accurate and Flexible
Highly automated solutions and workflow adjustments can bring maximum speed and accuracy to an operation.

Is Amazon Creating Self-Driving Cars for Delivery?
Over the past two years, Amazon has been seeking to take over more shipping duties from the likes of UPS and FedEx by leasing trucks, planes, and ships, and now...

Robotic Picking and the Beauty of Human Hand-Eye Coordination
The human hand still beats the robot when it comes to picking, but the gap is closing fast... learn how robots are tackling this complex challenge and how close we...

Amazon Wins Patent for On-Demand Apparel Manufacturing Warehouse
The Seattle e-commerce juggernaut just won a patent for “on-demand apparel manufacturing,” in which machines only start snipping and stitching once an order has been placed, Amazon could wade deeper...

Adidas, Carbon Scale 3D Manufacturing
In what could eventually be the largest-scale roll out of 3D printing for manufacturing consumer products, California-based 3D print company Carbon has partnered with Adidas to develop both new materials...

Harnessing Automation for a Future That Works
Automation is happening, and it will bring substantial benefits to businesses and economies worldwide, but it won't arrive overnight, a new McKinsey Global Institute report finds realizing automation's full potential...

Rise of Robots Will Change Future Jobs Reports
Ten years from now, the jobs report may look very different, CNBC's Deirdre Bosa explores how automation and robotics will change the future of the U.S. workforce.

Autonomous Trucking Overlooks Skilled Labor Need
Analysts expect automated trucks to proliferate in the next five to ten years, leading to significant job losses in the process, but the problem is the numbers do not clearly...

Knapp integrates vision-guided robotic picking with pocket sorter
A pocket sorter integrated with vision-system guided robotic picking and a streamlined conveyor system were showcased by Kevin Reader, director of business development and marketing at Knapp Logistics Automation (Booth...

Learn How to Make Smart Sortation Automation Decisions
Making smart automation decisions in today's fast-paced distribution center (DC) environments requires careful evaluation of all variables.

Year in Review: Top materials handling news in 2016
For all the political turmoil across the globe, 2016 was by all accounts very good for the supply chain, which saw acquisitions, investments, technological advancements and record growth.

Fast Deliveries to Grow by 40 percent Year-on-Year Until 2025, Says New Study
Management consultants at McKinsey & Company, maintain that the parcel market in the U.S. is set to double by 2025, with Same-day delivery and instant delivery to accounting for one-fifth of...

Parcel pricing may be set to surge, says new study
Management consultants at McKinsey & Company, maintain that the parcel market in the U.S. is set to double by 2025, with Same-day delivery and instant delivery to accounting for one-fifth of...

L’Oreal: To Automate or Not to Automate
Like many global companies, L'Oreal is facing new demands from its customers in a dynamic market; robotic layer picking and slotting software are two of the tools the health and...

Much ado about Amazon, as usual
An ongoing question among supply chain stakeholders, when it comes to global e-commerce bellwether Amazon, continues to be just how far it will spread its wings in terms of expanding...

Picture Yourself in New Glasses with a 3D Scanning Mirror
3D scanning mirror could be the future of custom eyeglasses.

Are Fully Automated Supply Chains Almost Here?
Automation in the world of supply chain logistics and materials handling will create enormous opportunities when it comes to making the flow of goods safer, more efficient and more environmentally...

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