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Topic: 5G

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Remote.It unveils new scripting API for IoT fleet management
Remote.It’s latest SaaS scripting API of IoT networks powered by GraphQL is compatible with Linux and Windows and can operate over 5G and Starlink satellite networks.

5G-Advanced Manufacturing Line to Drive Car Roof Production
China Unicom and Huawei team up to steer Exquisite Automotive Systems on an advanced manufacturing course.

Indxx Talks About Top 10 ETF Index With Samsung, Economic Conditions for Robotics Investment
Indxx, which provides information for exchange-traded funds, will create the basis for a Samsung Asset Management fund. A Indxx managing partner identifies sectors of opportunity.

CGConnect Transforms Multi-Robot Vehicles Into Connected Fleet
Using 4G/5G networks, CGConnect links any uncrewed vehicle to Cloud Ground Control's fleet management platform, enabling live-streaming, command and control from a Web browser.

Wireless Connectivity to Enable Warehouse Robotics in 2023, Notes Rajant
Wireless connectivity does not get the attention of 5G networks and cloud computing, but it's still key to improving warehouse efficiency with robots, writes a Rajant executive.

RENATUS ROBOTICS Launches ‘One-Stop Pick and Pack’ Warehouse Automation
RENATUS ROBOTICS said its proprietary optimization algorithms and robotics hardware can helps companies improve productivity and reduce labor costs by up to 67%.

Automation Is at the Forefront of Industry 4.0 Revolution
As more warehouse operators digitize their operations, automation and related technologies will be at the forefront of the change.

Indy Autonomous Challenge to Take Another Lap at CES 2023 With Self-Driving Racecars
After January's successful race, the Indy Autonomous Challenge and Consumer Technology Association are again teaming up to enable teams of innovators and universities to compete.

Milvus, Turkcell, and Ericsson Demonstrate 5G Mobile Robot Safe Crossing in Real Warehouse
Milvus Robotics provided mobile robots for Turkey's first industrial use-case demonstration of mobile robots safely crossing with 5G in an actual warehouse.

5 Technologies Advancing With the Rapid Deployment of Mobile Robots
From artificial intelligence and 5G to cybersecurity, several technologies are coming together to make autonomous mobile robots safer, more capable, and easier to use, says MiR.

Zyter and Qualcomm to Provide Mobile Robot, Other Applications for 5G Private Networks
Zyter and Qualcomm have collaborated to provide 5G network management, a consolidated dashboard, and production-ready applications for mobile robots in multiple environments.

Addverb Technologies Expands Warehouse Robotics to Americas After Series B Funding
Addverb, which recently received $132 million in funding from Reliance Industries, has named leaders for its U.S. office as it widens automation hardware and software offerings.

Kollmorgen and Ericsson Test 5G to Expand Mobile Robot Capabilities
Kollmorgen, a supplier of autonomy technology for robots and vehicles, said its initial tests of 5G networking with telecommunications provider Ericsson yielded promising results.

John Deere Unveils Fully Autonomous Tractor at CES 2022
At CES 2022, John Deere said its fully autonomous 8R tractor combines GPS, machine learning, and remote monitoring to help farmers respond to growing global food demand.

Indy Autonomous Challenge Readies for Next Self-Driving Race at CES 2022
UAE and European teams to help kick off Indy Autonomous Challenge's head-to-head self-driving car race at CES 2022 in Las Vegas this week.

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