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Topic: Cybernetix Ventures

Robotics Invest Summit 2024 highlights funding, robotics ecosystems
The 2024 Robotics Invest Summit in Boston brought leaders from across the robotics industry to discuss funding, industrial AI and more with peers and venture capital firms.

Pittsburgh Robotics Network, Cybernetix Ventures announce strategic partnership
Cybernetix Ventures recently partnered with the Pittsburgh Robotics Network to bring more of the cluster’s investable robotics opportunities to global markets.

Robotics Invest Panelists Discuss Startup Strategy, VC Criteria in Boston
Cybernetix Ventures and F-Prime Capital hosted their inaugural Robotics Invest event in Boston last week. Panelists discussed how robotics companies of all sizes can raise capital, identify business opportunities, and...

Kiva Systems Founders Share Company’s Story at Robotics Invest Event in Boston
Kiva Systems is considered among the biggest success stories in warehouse robotics. The founders detailed the company's origins and what led to its rise.

6 River Systems Handoff a Sign for Mobile Robot Vendors to Demonstrate Value, Say Analysts
6 River Systems, which reportedly experienced layoffs around its sale from Shopify to Ocado, is an example of mobile robot suppliers striving to survive current challenges, said investors and analysts.

Investors Outline Capital Considerations for Robotics Startups at Cascadia Connect
At Cascadia Capital's second annual event in Pittsburgh, venture capital experts discussed what robotics and AI companies should do to demonstrate vision, value, and resilience.

KEWAZO CEO Explains Value Proposition of Construction Robotics Startup
KEWAZO raised funding for scaffolding robots and analytics despite economic headwinds by aiming for a high utilization rate and delivering useful data, said CEO Artem Kuchukov.

KEWAZO Raises $10M Series A to Automate and Digitize Construction Material Flow
KEWAZO will apply its Series A funding to expanding its offering of the LIFTBOT scaffolding assembly robot and ONSITE data analytics platform in North America and Europe.

Bionomous Closes Series A Funding for EggSorter Life Science Automation
Bionomous, which has developed the EggSorter device for inspecting, sorting, and dispensing small biological entities, plans to use the funding to continue global commercialization.

Cybernetix Ventures Launches $50M Fund for Robotics, Automation, and AI Startups
Cybernetix Ventures was created by MassRobotics co-founder Fady Saad and sensor industry executive Mark Martin and already has $25 million committed. It said it is the first of its kind.

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