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Topic: Generative Design

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AI, sensor developer Forcen closes CA$8.35 million funding round
Generative design tools and off-the-shelf development kits will help Forcen scale its force/torque sensor and edge AI offerings for less-structured robotics applications.

CES 2024: NVIDIA and partners bring generative AI, robotics together
NVIDIA announced in collaboration with partners such as Boston Dynamics, Covariant and others, an increase in generative AI usage - through LLMs - to further integrate generative AI and robots.

Additive Manufacturing and Generative Design Co-Pilot Hyundai’s Ultimate Mobility Vehicle Concept
Autodesk and Hyundai partner to push the boundaries of increasing strength while reducing weight for TIGER's modular platform architecture.

Frontline Relief With 3D Printing
Additive manufacturing comes to the rescue in earthquake, tsunami, and even war.

Hyundai Is Driving Mobility Innovation With Generative Design
Hyundai Motor Group is pushing the boundaries of vehicle development and reimagining how vehicles might traverse the world. In a collaboration with product innovation studio Sundberg-Ferar, the team sought to...

Additive Manufacturing and Generative Design—a Match Made in Heaven
Additive manufacturing and generative design tools can be tapped as a dynamic duo to create and build parts fully optimized for weight and cost.

ParaMatters 4.0 Generative Design Software Opens New Door to Automation
Autonomous generative design platform offers structural and thermal design and analysis, support structures and build orientation optimization for entire design-to-manufacturing process with various loading conditions.

Autodesk Manufacturing Summit: Betting on Generative Design and Additive Manufacturing
Autodesk showcases Fusion 360 during virtual event, promotes generative design and 3D printing for collaborative product development during the new normal.

Unexpected Supply Chain Benefits of 3D Printing
The same flexibility that 3D printing brings to design can also improve manufacturing and logistics.

Designing Machines in the Age of the IIoT
To design equipment for the new digital age, engineers are reinventing the product design process.

Fast Radius Puts Curtiss Motorcycles on a Manufacturing Fast Track
A hybrid manufacturing approach, including AM for complex parts, helped the firm meet an accelerated design and build cycle for its new Zeus 8 electric motorcycle.

Volkswagen updates classic van with generative design, RoboCup flexes autonomous muscles, more
In this episode of DE Video News roundup, VW uses Autodesk Fusion to reshape Microbus, autonomous robots play soccer, Onshape study finds PLM insights, more

nTop Platform Meets Advanced Manufacturing
New platform from nTopology integrates CAD, simulation and CAM technologies to accelerate the design of complex and lightweight parts.

Siemens Adds Augmented Reality for Enhanced Visualization and Collaboration to Solid Edge 2020
New simulation validation capabilities help to improve quality and reduce costly prototypes, company says.

Ford Pilots 3D Printing Initiative for Tooling
The goal is to allow local plant floor workers without 3D printing experience to generate tools, jigs and fixtures using Ultimaker 3D printers.

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