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Topic: OSHA

Verve Motion releases study on soft exosuits
97% of soft exosuit users from Verve Motion’s latest study reported that wearable robotics assisted in their work, providing data to support benefits of robotics assisted lifting.

Yale Reliant accumulates 14 million real-world run time hours
Yale Lift Truck Technologies’ Reliant operator assistance technology reinforces safe lift truck operation by intervening and providing feedback to operators.

Chang Industrial, Mobile Industrial Robots Partner to Help Healthcare Industry
Chang Industrial is including MiR autonomous mobile robots with its engineering services to help healthcare providers with nursing shortages by automating hospital processes.

How AI in Drones Can Improve Safety on Construction Sites
Construction sites are full of hazards, but drones plus machine learning can help inspect and evaluate complex sites, identify dangers, and warn managers and workers.

OSHA and Robotics: What You Need to Know About Safety
While OSHA may not have much in the way of robotics safety standards, other guidance does exist, and integrators and operators should conduct a thorough risk assessment before deployment.

MRO Academic Insights: Getting up to speed in Alabama
In northern Alabama, the Alabama Robotics Technology Park is training nearly 1,000 automation operators and technicians each year for local manufacturers. It's one of the reasons Alabama is attracting so much...

Robotic Industries Association announces new alliance with OSHA, NIOSH
Alliance aims to enhance robot expertise within OSHA and NIOSH, improve awareness of workplace hazards of traditional industrial robots and emerging collaborative systems, and identify needed research.

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