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Topic: Supply Chain Management

Procter & Gamble’s Amy Rardin named keynote speaker of NextGen Supply Chain Conference
NextGen Supply Chain Conference announced that Amy Rardin, global senior director at Procter & Gamble, will serve as the keynote speaker at its October 2024 event in Chicago.

Johnson & Johnson’s Luis Roman named keynote speaker of NextGen Supply Chain Conference
NextGen Supply Chain Conference announced that Luis Roman, global head of site & supply at Johnson & Johnson, will serve as a keynote speaker at its October 2024 event in Chicago.

Integrated logistics provider ArcBest announces Vaux Smart Autonomy
ArcBest’s autonomously and remotely-operated AMR forklifts will integrate with its Vaux Freight Movement System, offering end-to-end material handling integration.

Amazon Onboards New Mobile Robot
Titan tasked with moving heavy and bulky items in Amazon fulfillment centers, increasing efficiency and safety.

Automation Continues to Play a Key Role in Helping Businesses Build Resilient Supply Chains
Companies of all sizes are turning to robots to help them be more flexible in response to supply chain disruptions and continuing labor challenges.

Körber Unveils Unified Control System for Material Flows, Plus EVOLVE Partner Program
Körber Supply Chain's new Unified Control System provides a vendor-neutral approach to configuring and managing multiple technologies, as the company expands integrator partnerships.

4 Reasons Why Your Supply Chain Suffers and 5 Ways to Make It Better
Supply chains are facing challenges ranging from labor shortages to dynamic markets, but a fulfillment expert offers five tips including automation to overcome them.

Körber Shares Supply Chain Software and Automation Strategy at Elevate Americas 2022
Korber Supply Chain has announced new cloud-based services, warehouse management software, and controls for voice and robotics systems, as well as customer successes, at the event.

7bridges Obtains Series A Funding to Transform Supply Chains With AI
7bridges, which has developed the LEO platform to provide logistics visibility, plans to use its $17 million round to improve supply chain efficiency and resilience.

ABI Research: Covid reveals weakest links in the supply chain – the supplier’s supplier
'Investments in robotics or IoT sensors assume assembly lines receive a steady flow of raw materials. COVID-19 demonstrates that manufacturers need to be as focused on their supplier's capabilities as...

6 Ways Artificial Intelligence Technology Is Impacting Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Artificial Intelligence is already enhancing our lives as consumers, now it is picking up momentum in supply chain management and logistics, and managers should pay close attention as more AI-enhanced...

Is automated materials handling ready to grow?
A tough economy could be good news for automation

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