The Five “New Rules” of e-Commerce Fulfillment

The New Rules of e-Commerce Fulfillment are a must in the new omni-channel world, and, it is abundantly clear, that for the prepared 3PL, eCommerce holds enormous potential for those set up to master the process.

The New Rules of e-Commerce Fulfillment are a must in the new omni-channel world, and, it is abundantly clear, that for the prepared 3PL, eCommerce holds enormous potential for those set up to master the process.

The staggering growth of today’s e-Commerce industry has been largely driven by consumer spending.

As consumers spend more, their expectations also increase exponentially.

But how do we meet the ever-growing needs and expectations of your e-Commerce customers, not to mention, your 3PL?

To help you address these needs, 3PL Central has developed “The Five New Rules of e-Commerce Fulfillment.”

These rules will provide you the opportunity to cash in on the substantial e-Commerce profits coming in the years ahead and succeed in meeting the goals of your customers.

New Rule #1 - 3PLs Must Build Seamless Connections with Their Customers
Today’s e-Commerce merchants must ensure that accurate order information flows throughout the length of their fulfillment chains. Your WMS serves as the hub for all of this data. Therefore, it must be robust, flexible, and capable of connecting everyone from suppliers to warehouses to delivery partners and more. Anything less will result in lost data, lost orders, and lost customers.

New Rule #2 - 3PLs Must Help Customers Select the Right e-Commerce Engine
The last thing your customer needs is an e-Commerce engine that is difficult to work with, struggles with high volume transactions, or is overly expensive. -The last thing your 3PL needs is an unhappy e-Commerce customer. Your 3PL must have the willingness and expertise to help your client make not only the best choice, but the correct choice, to meet their needs.

New Rule #3 - 3PLs Must Care for Their Customers’ Products as if They Were Their Own
E-Commerce businesses fear losing control of their brand presentation almost as much as they fear losing customers. This is one of the biggest reasons why many avoid working with a 3PL altogether. Successful 3PLs ensure every aspect of their customers’ brand is handled with the utmost care. In the area of presentation, it is all about the details.

New Rule #4 - 3PLs Must Have Strong Relationships with Their Delivery Partners
Your delivery partners are a crucial part of your fulfillment chain - even though they are beyond your direct control. Showing that you can track products all the way to an online shopper’s door will definitely increase a prospect’s comfort level when it comes to outsourcing their fulfillment to you.

New Rule #5 - 3PLs Must Provide 24-7 Inventory and Order Shipment Visibility Worldwide
The ideal WMS should be able to provide you and your customers real-time access to all of the data flowing through your customer’s fulfillment chains from anywhere in the world. Using a WMS that offers these insights is essential to succeeding insucceeding in today’s e-Commerce marketplace.


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