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Topic: Comau

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Universal Robots and MiR open new headquarters in Denmark
Executives from NVIDIA and Siemens, with whom Teradyne Robotics recently announced collaborations, spoke at MiR and Universal Robots’ new joint headquarters grand opening.

Automate 2024: Comau introduces piece picking vision system
Comau introduced its MI.RA OnePicker hardware-agnostic piece picking machine vision system, which incorporates simulation and AI algorithms, at Automate 2024.

Automate 2024: Comau debuts hollow wrist robot arms
Comau’s S-Family hollow-wrist six-axis articulated robots are designed for applications outside automotive including foundry, battery manufacturing, and food and beverage handling.

Automate 2024: Comau CEO highlights entrance to new industries with solutions and visions for automation company
Pietro Gorlier, CEO of Comau, discussed the newest product releases and integration developments for the company at Automate 2024 in Chicago.

Comau brings the power of automation to Automate 2024
Industrial automation solution provider Comau announced the release of its new S-family of robots, a return to its historic red robots, at Automate 2024 in Chicago.

Automate 2024: Comau showcases the power of automation with new robot offerings
Global technology provider Comau exhibited a host of new robot offerings at Automate 2024 in Chicago, including perception-guided picking systems, vision-backed handling offerings and more.

Ease of Use Features Promise to Democratize Robotics for Smaller Manufacturers
Ease-of-use features such as intuitive interfaces and lead-through programming are making robots easier to deploy, use, and manage, facilitating adoption by small and midsize manufacturers.

Comau Develops Mobile Manipulation System For EU-Backed Projects
Comau has released a new system that brings together a cobot arm and an autonomous guided vehicle.

Comau Provides Welding Robots for Foton Daimler Production of Actros Trucks
Comau has built a robotic welding system that includes vision technology and the flexibility to handle complex model management and produce 50,000 trucks in China.

COMAU Unveils New Six-Axis Robot Arm for Sensitive Environments  
Comau is the latest robot maker to design a robot arm to be used in cleanrooms and other areas outside of typical manufacturing facilities.

Comau and Seabery Develop Industry 4.0 Augmented Reality Training Program
The new training program uses technologies such AR to help accelerate the training of the next generation of welders.

Comau Introduces N-220 Industrial Robot With Streamlined Design for Ease of Use
Comau says its new N-220-2.7 industrial robot arm has a modular design for ease of use, integration, and maintenance.

4 Advantages That Robots Offer for Flexible Manufacturing
Flexible manufacturing is increasingly necessary for automakers and other production environments. The latest robots and software allow factories to be more responsive to changing demand.

Pack Expo 2021: Robots Seek to Meet Worker Shortage, Efficiency Challenges
At Pack Expo in Las Vegas this week, several robotics suppliers demonstrated collaborative robots and other automation designed to meet packaging industry demand.

Rockwell Automation and Comau Collaborate on Robot Controls for Manufacturers
Comau and Rockwell Automation are integrating their robotics controls to enable manufacturers to optimize processes and more easily adopt automation.

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