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Glossary Term: RaaS

RaaS posts

Page 3 of 13 pages.
Sebert Landscape Deploys Its First RC Mowers Autonomous Mowing Robots of the Season
Sebert Landscape is an early adopter of the remotely operated Autonomous Mowing Robots that RC Mowers designed to help companies improve customer service and sustainability.

Ottonomy Launches Ottobot at Rome Airport, Obtains Investment From Aeroporti di Roma Ventures
Ottonomy conducted a successful proof of concept of its mobile delivery robots at Rome Fiumicino International Airport and has received investment from ADR Ventures.

RC Mowers Upgrades Remotely Operated Robotic Mowers With New R Series
RC Mowers, which makes remote-controlled robotic mowers for landscaping businesses, public works departments, and parks and roads departments, has refreshed its product line.

Real Life Robotics Partners With InDro Robotics to Support Last Mile Robotic Delivery
Real Life Robotics, which has developed systems for robotic delivery at scale, has partnered with InDro Robotics to support and scale systems to address labor shortages.

Robotics Executives, Systems Integrators Discuss Challenges With Scaling Robot Deployments at Cascadia Connect
While demand for robots continues to be high, there are a number of barriers that companies face with adoption. In a recent panel, robotics executives, systems integrators, and investors explained...

OSARO Launches AI Powered Robotic Kitting System for Growing Subscription Market
OSARO said its OSARO Robotic Kitting System applies AI and modular hardware to precisely and efficiently pick and place a variety of SKUs for subscription kits.

Universal Robots Announces Partnership With Global Technology Integrator Denali
Universal Robots said Denali Advanced Integration is now its largest Certified Solution Partner, bringing its collaborative robots to large enterprises worldwide.

Robotics for the Rest of Us: Automation in Small and Midsize Businesses
Small and midsize businesses can now more easily adopt robotics and automation, thanks to technical improvements, the robotics a service model, and services from robot providers.

Vecna Robotics Surveys Supply Chain Professionals on the State of the Material Handling Automation Market in 2023
Vecna Robotics and CITE Research surveyed more than 1,000 supply chain professionals across industries and found that warehouses are starting to adopt automation to address labor shortages.

Locus Robotics Highlights New Science Driven Automation Platform at ProMat 2023
Locus Robotics is sharing details of the new system at its ProMat Booth in Chicago this week.

Körber Supply Chain Announces Robotics as a Service for E-Commerce Fulfillment
Korber Supply Chain said its new RaaS offering can not only help fulfillment operations keep up with e-commerce demand; it can also help them build mixed fleets of mobile robots.

RIOS to Discuss Robotics as a Service and Display Modular Automation at ProMat 2023
RIOS Intelligent Machines will present its modular automation at ProMat 2023. The company's CEO discussed robotics investments and gave a preview of his session on RaaS.

HeroWear Launches Apex 2 Exosuit to Help Reduce Back Injury Risk
Bending and lifting are common sources of workplace injuries, and HeroWear gathered feedback from users in multiple industries for improvements in its Apex 2 device.

ULC Technologies’ CISBOT Seals 50,000 Joints in Live Gas Mains
ULC Technologies said its CISBOT system, which goes into live gas lines for inspection and repair, has sealed joints equivalent to 114 mi. over the past 14 years.

Barcodes Group Adds Integration Software to Autonomous Mobile Robot Platform
Barcodes Group has added integration capabilities to its cloud-based mobile robot platform, which it offers in a robotics-as-a-service model.

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