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Topic: Third Wave Automation

Automate 2024: Third Wave Automation announces Armada dynamic fleet management system
Third Wave Automation announced the release of its Armada fleet management system that support remote operations of multi-mode forklifts, improved workflow and real-time insights on materials handling movement.

Robotics Startups Should Stay Focused on Achievable Success, Says Innovation Endeavors Partner
Innovation Endeavors partner Harpi Singh has years of experience as an entrepreneur that he brings to investing in technology startups such as autonomous truck firm Gatik.

Third Wave Automation Receives Strategic Investment From Qualcomm Ventures, Zebra Technologies
Third Wave Automation, which has combined AI, fleet management, and autonomy in its TWA Reach truck, has raised a total of $70 million and will exhibit and present at ProMat 2023.

The Robotics Group of MHI Admits Daifuku Wynright, Schneider Electric, and Third Wave Automation as Members
The Robotics Group recently approved Schneider Electric, Third Wave Automation, and Daifuku Wynright's applications to join the materials handling industry group.

Third Wave Automation Closes $40M Series B for ‘Shared Autonomy’ in Forklifts
Third Wave Automation, which has partnered with Toyota, plans to accelerate commercialization of human-in-the-loop pick-and-place operations with autonomous forklifts.

Third Wave Automation Announces Partnership With Toyota Industries for Material Handling Vehicles
The application of machine learning for "shared autonomy" between robotic materials handling vehicles and human operators is key to next-generation productivity, says Third Wave.

MassRobotics Publishes Interoperability Standard for Autonomous Mobile Robots
Before heterogeneous environments of mobile robots can grow, the data they can share must be defined. The MassRobotics AMR Interoperability Working Group published its initial standard.

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