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Topic: SLAM

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ForwardX Robotics launches Flex 600-L Slim AMR
Measuring nearly two inches shorter than the base model, ForwardX’s new Flex 600-L Slim deck-lifting AMR can also support up to 1,322 pound loads.

ForwardX Robotics launches Flex 300-L Mini AMR
Complementing last week’s launch of the Flex 300-SCB Mini, ForwardX Robotics announced its deck-lifting Flex 300-L Mini, featuring the same 31.5 by 18.9 inch footprint.

ForwardX Robotics launches Flex 300-SCB Mini AMR
ForwardX launched its Flex 300-SCB Mini person-to-goods shelf-design autonomous mobile robot designed for picking in narrow aisles.

Robust.AI raises the bar with Grace fleet management software, Carter robot
Robust.AI’s Grace fleet management suite and Carter robot have set a high bar for collaborative efforts in the warehouse logistics space.

Pudu Robotics launches T300 industrial conveyance robot
Adding to its food and beverage, restaurant, and service robot offerings, PUDU’s T300 materials conveyance robot is equipped with SLAM navigation to provide flexible operations.

Automate 2024: ABB debuts latest modular large robot arms
ABB demonstrated its latest robots at Automate 2024, including the launch of its IRB 7710 and 7720 robot arms for automotive assembly and modular construction applications.

Theobroma Unleashes JAGUAR Computer for Reliable Mobile Robots
Theobroma said its new JAGUAR SBC-RK3588-AMR single-board computer is designed to support reliable autonomous mobile robot applications.

Slamcore Updates SDK for Robots to Detect People in Warehouses, Factories
Slamcore said Release 23.04 of its spatial intelligence development kit includes Perceive functionality and support for NVIDIA Jetson Orin.

Bosch Rexroth Will Showcase AMRs, Control Software, and More at Automate
Bosch Rexroth plans to display a range of systems at Automate 2023, including the MP1000R and the M200C autonomous mobile robots.

ABB to Demonstrate Next Generation Robots at Automate 2023
ABB Robotics is going big at Automate and Automatica, with an expanded line of collaborative robots, rebranded mobile robots, and systems for applications like painting and welding.

ABB Robotics Releases New Visual SLAM Technology to Enhance Navigation Capabilities of Its AMRs
ABB has taken the wraps off its new Visual SLAM technology that takes advantage of artificial intelligence and 3D vision.

SLAMcore Integrates Spatial Intelligence Algorithms With Texas Instruments Processors
SLAMcore has optimized its spatial intelligence algorithms for Texas Instruments' TDA4x processors to enable accurate localization, mapping, and perception for a range of robots.

Sevensense Robotics to Show Visual SLAM for Mobile Robots at LogiMAT 2023
Sevensense Robotics, which provides visual simultaneous localization and mapping technology to robot manufacturers, plans to demonstrate vehicles using Alphasense in Stuttgart.

Brain Corp CTO Explains How Gen 3 Platform Will Aid Mobile Robot Developers
Brain Corp, which provides autonomous navigation and fleet management software for mobile robots, has added features to BrainOS to ease development of robots for different functions.

Autonomous Mobile Robots Offer an Answer to the Labor Shortage
Autonomous mobile robots have become more intelligent, thanks to better navigation and fleet management software, enabling them to take on more collaborative roles in factories and warehouses.

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