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A3 Humanoid Robot Forum to be held in October
A3’s Humanoid Robot Forum, to be held in October in conjunction with its AMR and Logistics Conference, will include speakers from Agility, Apptronic, HaptX, and NEURA Robotics.

Interact Analysis valued 2023 warehouse software market at $7.2 billion
Recent research by Interact Analysis predicts a 19.5% CAGR between 2023 and 2030 for warehouse automation software including WMS, WCS, and WES, and competition to provide WES.

EU Countries See Robotics Sales Go Up From 2022, According to IFR Report
Robot installations in European countries including non-EU member states reached a total of 84,000 units – up 3% in 2022.

ABB Predicts Top U.S. Robotics Trends
ABB's U.S. Robotics’ chief shares the trends he is seeing in the space in 2023.

IFR Report Finds Automotive Industry Continues to Be Robotics Industry’s Biggest Customer
The International Federation of Robotics shared details of how the automotive industry continues to invest heavily in robotics.

Top 5 Robotics Trends for 2022, According to the International Federation of Robotics
As the number of industrial robots in operation has increased from 2015, the International Federation of Robotics says it expects certain trends to continue, including greater ease of use.

Robotics Leaders Look Back at 2021 Challenges and Accomplishments
From market consolidation to interoperability efforts, leading robotics users, associations, and top suppliers weigh in on the top commercial robotics trends of 2021.

Amazon’s Last-Mile MIT CTL Routing Research Challenge
The primary goal of the Last Mile Routing Research Challenge is to encourage participants to develop innovative approaches leveraging artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, and other non-conventional...

Supply Chain Leaders Learn From Today’s Ecommerce Challenges to Provide Future Innovation and Growth
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated ecommerce demands to levels that weren't expected until 2025, so how can supply chain leaders get up to speed, and fast?

Labor Management Systems Solutions Increasingly Important, Even With the Move to More Automation
Labor management system solutions are different today than those a decade ago, they integrate with more systems, have mobile user interfaces, and use advanced analytics, they are increasingly important with...

How Efficient Dock Scheduling and Forecasting Will Maximize Investments in Demand Sensing
Demand sensing is analytics-based, real-time forecasting, but like all forecasting capabilities, it is only as valuable as the ability to change operations and respond to the issues at hand.

The Future of Freight: Einride Unveils New Driverless Vehicles for Autonomous Freight Hauling
Einride, the Swedish autonomous trucking startup, unveiled a new vehicle type that the company hopes to have on the road delivering freight starting in 2021.

Amazon’s Drone Delivery Hits Milestone with Federal Aviation Administration Clearance
Retail behemoth took a big leap toward delivering goods from the sky by becoming one of only a handful of companies certified by the U.S. government to...

The 2020 Top 10 Materials Handling System Suppliers
Although the year promises to paint a different picture, the industry continued to build upon record growth in 2019.

Warehouse Execution Systems to Encompass Wide-Ranging Distribution Center Solutions
Warehouse Execution Systems providers say the software orchestrates the overall flow of work across all distribution center resources and is increasingly employing artificial intelligence and machine learning.

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